Training leaders for Holy Spirit movements in the Nations

Our focus

Mentoring The Next Generation Of Leaders To Change Nations
Can You Hear Them?

If you listen with your heart, you can hear the cries of the pastors of the nations saying, “Come over and help me!” There are nearly two million men and women waiting for training to fulfill the calling of God on their lives. Over the last twenty years, the Body of Christ in the world has done a remarkable job winning the lost. Because of these millions of conversions, over 4,000 new churches are springing up around the world every month. Within three years, that number will increase to 12,000 per month. We are simply far behind in training pastors who can disciple these new believers. We can’t build enough seminaries and bible schools fast enough. I can hear loudly and clearly in my memory as time after time, country after country, these precious shepherds cry out to God for the help they desperately need. You and I are the answer to their prayers.

The Lord Of The Harvest

In Luke, chapter 10, Jesus’ very own words about these days are challenging to me. He said, ” the harvest truly is great and the laborers are few, pray ye therefore that the Lord of the Harvest would send forth laborers into the fields”. These are days of tremendous harvest. Churches are being birthed at remarkable rates. There are nearly 3 million undertrained Pastors and leaders. There is no greater cause than this right now! New believers need Pastors who will disciple them to reach their nations.

Today, I’ve Forgiven!

Our hearts were touched on a recent trip to Kenya, by Pastor Harrison Murangi’s story. In the terrible tribal turmoil in Kenya following the election, rioting and killings were rampant across the country. People were uncertain just who they could trust. Even in the church! This precious pastor’s family was nearly killed by the unruly crowd that had been told by another believer of his location. They escaped at just the last moment! His house was burned and his livestock killed. His heart was filled with bitterness. When Rick preached on reconciliation and forgiveness the entire conference was brought to a time of repentance. But for this dear pastor, brokenness brought healing to his wounded heart. After the session he approached us and said with tears in his eyes,”TODAY I HAVE FORGIVEN!” We have since heard from him. The Sunday he went home from the conference, his church baptized 41 people, including his adult son! THIS is why we go!

A Great Commission!

The fulfillment of the Great Commission in our lifetime is within reach! Thousands are coming to Christ daily around the world! New churches are being birthed every week. Like in the first Century, evangelism is taking place as trade and business leaders go into the marketplaces of the world. Because so many are coming to Christ there is a great need for leaders to be trained, equipped and coached to provide the needed discipleship God has commissioned the church to carry out. We are honored that God is allowing us to be part of a miracle adventure! Won’t you join us?

The Center For Glocal Leadership Exists... Because Every Leader Deserves To Be Prepared

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